Part 76: Perceptive End
Part 76: Perceptive End
Remember how we shot Delta in the Study? Well, now we can see the rest of the scene...

There's a sound like someone's dying, and then a crash...
Music: Sacrificial Demise (Demise 2nd Mix)

[Delta?:] Audentum Forsque Venusque iuvat... This is yet...another...destiny...

Not a true ending, more of a little bonus for figuring out the big secret. The two spoilers I didn't want to show earlier:
- Eric addressing Sean by name
- Delta spouting Latin phrases like a certain villain

Anyway, that's another fragment complete!

The scene is called "Shoot Delta", appropriately enough.

Next up: The showdown in the Transporter Room!

We got a file for the last Latin phrase, too!